Monday, January 19, 2009

Eat Your Veggies

Okay. I'm back. The posts have been few and far between because I was sick Christmas and I think New Year's Day.  Most importantly, I was without a garbage disposal. Hey, I'm an old-school cook who has to have modern conveniences.  That got fixed last week, so I'm back in business.
Given the degree of laziness to which I sometimes own up to, there are nights when I do veggies only. This meal was one.  It was cold and I wanted some good fall/winter flavors.  Enter sweet potatoes and apples.
Wash, peel and cut your sweet potatoes into coins. Season with kosher salt, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg and black pepper.  Drizzle with olive oil and toss everything together.
Heat a skillet and add the potatoes.  Cook until brown.  Place these in a casserole dish.  
Thinly slice an apple. Season with the same stuff you used for the potatoes.  
Place the apple on top of the sweet potato. I had some apple cider concentrate, so I drizzled a little of that on top.  
Bake, covered, until everything is tender.  Add fresh sage and rosemary and give it a quick toss.
Pair this with some sauteed corn and a left over "stuffin' muffin" from Christmas and you got a veggie meal! (Stuffin' muffins are easy to make. Just portion part of your next batch of dressing into a muffin tin, par bake and freeze. Bam! You have individual servings of dressing ready for baking. Rachel Ray was on it with this idea!)
Tools of the trade

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